
Of all the “trying to cut the cord” posts I see across the internet, I feel like 95% of them are the guy saying he’s ready to cut the cord but the wife can’t live without HGTV, Bravo, TLC, etc. and is unwilling to try alternatives.

I’m a 30 year old dude who has followed and played sports his whole life, and if it weren’t for my ex-college football playing roommate’s need to pound NFL Network and RedZone, I wouldn’t have cable either.

It feels like a barrier to progress. If we’re going to crucify folks for recognizing there is a problem when before they didn't know, what is the correct thing to do? Knowing since birth? It is an absolute privilege to never have to consider the ramifications of racism— punishing those who see it for the first time

Either come out of the womb talking like James Baldwin or go fuck yourself, you English piece of shit!

Seriously. I want to know how many of the people jumping on him are actual people of color versus how many are grandstanding whites who want to out-ally an obvious ally.

Me, after anyone mentions #lifestyle #branded #content.

Curt Schilling definitely has some takes on Hilary Clinton that he’s just dying to tweet out.

She is brave and I think it’s great that she is outspoken about domestic violence, but these shirts don’t make a lot of sense in that context. I mean, she’s literally the comodity.

When asked if he would ever coach in Wisconsin, Kelly said he’d be open to sniffing some Dairy Air.

Pretty much the weightlifting equivalent of when I have sex; plenty of talk beforehand, a good show of confidence, a decent build up, use of a rubber... and then unintelligible grunts before everything slips out and I’m getting laughed at after a spectacular fail.

But if you want to go to multiple cities, then you have to find hotels that you can speak the language at (hint: HOTELS.COM LIES), arrange your own transportation, shlep your luggage to every new location, half sleep on the train with your luggage under your legs to deter thieves, discover that “air conditioned hotel

How does one team manage to end up with the two corniest quarterbacks in the league not named Russell Wilson?

I know! How can Connecticut possibly have more ticks than it does WASPS?

Don’t underestimate the ability of the Steelers secondary to imitate shy ghosts.

[signs karma to 8-year deal]

HoustonDude2014: Hello, I’m HoustonDude2014.

Yeah, well that decision was made for me when I was born in a Cleveland hospital. The doctors just whisper to the newborn babies “You’re going to be a Browns and Indians fan” and they start crying.

Irsay had every intention of bringing in Sean Payton; however, he just didn’t think they’d both be able to share medicine cabinet duties.