I am literally begging you. Don't start emulating the awful click-bait article title styles. Your readers will read your articles regardless if you go with this style. So don't treat us the same as the rabid, ignorant masses like this.
I am literally begging you. Don't start emulating the awful click-bait article title styles. Your readers will read your articles regardless if you go with this style. So don't treat us the same as the rabid, ignorant masses like this.
What the hell did you expect from a 200$ laptop?! Windows 8.1 is awesome, don't blame it because of the shitty hardware you're running it on, or because you're an Apple fanboy.
I'm new to Kinja, led her by Lifehacker. But how is this article anything more than click-bait? The disparity between the title "the best carry on luggage" and the intent of Kinja - "find the best products in a given category", and what was actually tested here is amazing. how is this article nothing more than a…
I'm new to Kinja, led her by Lifehacker. But how is this article anything more than click-bait? The disparity…
Typically, you're supposed to change your furnace filter every three months. This is surprisingly difficult to remember to actually do. So, I just get them delivered as a reminder to actually do it. When they come, I just head down to the furnace and replace it right then so I don't forget.
I generally just put one on top of the other and curl the top elastic down a little.
Invaluable! Thanks very much.
But they might... and who knows where the path untravelled leads!
I agree it shouldn't a secret and it really isn't anyone's business. Some people make it their business and you need to consider that at work. We want jobs to be based on skill and merit, but sometimes gender, race, and sexual orientation are factored in unfairly.
First do not look at it as a "secret", look at it as not anyone elses business as to what you do or love. Do not "stress" that you are hiding anything, accept that you are happy with yourself and nobody at work has any right to know what you do on your own time or how you think or love.
Not protected everywhere. Unfortunately.
Hatton Country Word animal park in Warwickshire, England is about to face something of a population boom, after a…
The perfect app for the getaway driver!
Amazon is the undisputed king of online retail, but that doesn't mean it's perfect. The site has a pretty…
Further proof of why they say women are bad drivers.
This guy needs to do the same thing with the bloated Hobbit movies, GET ON WITH IT!
But when will it integrate with Newegg, Microcenter, Tiger Direct, etc?
I'd quit for a couple months pay, sure, but $5k for an Amazon employee with five years tenure is probably more like an average of ~2 weeks pay. Hardly an incentive, since two of the jobs I have quit I gave two weeks notice for and then didn't really do much during that last two weeks (in one case was asked to not come…