
Actually, I was short of time, when I saw the article. I did save it for reference later on the weekend. Thanks for the heads-up. I will be definitely going through it over the weekend.

I do this with my vacations. If I go to Chicago, I'll keep all the ticket stubs from museum and shows, tickets from railway stations and food receipt. I store them all in a separate box for each vacation I take. The idea I have is to make something like this for each vacation and hang them on the wall. See below pic

Warranty was exactly 1 month on Amazon, which by that time was already over.

This is something I have in mind for ages, but never got down to do it. I always found the cost of digital frames to be extremely high to justify their purchase. What I want to do is to get my hands on multiple 13-17 inch LED screens from ebay or if someone has any other suggestions, it will be appreciated. Hook each

My anker 5 port USB 3.0 hub stopped working within 2 months of purchase.

Lifetime cost is astronomical.

The night mode glowlight leaks and is not always directed on the screen but rather sometimes hit your eyes instead.

Hipster? Is that you?

Thank you. I will give that a try.

Whitson, thank you. In the last few years, whenever I had to reinstall Firefox I had to spend hours on Lifehacker searching for old Config changes to incorporate into it to make it run exactly the way I like it to. Thanks for consolidating all of them here.

Thank you. I'll give them a try.

Standard Question: What is the Firefox equivalent of this extension?

For a single person, I suggest the following:

Difference is only relevant to the person who is making it and not the one who is drinking it. Though, my theory is that the espresso in Americano has some time to enrich with the taste before it gets diluted with water, where in the case of long black, it gets diluted right away and probably their molecules have not

If you are looking for regular search, it is available under the 3 lines icon on the top right corner. Clicking it will drop down a list of all family website of gawker. The last option is to search within

Even though I recommended the Anker USB hub as that is the one I use, but this is just frickin cool, that I needed to recommend this as well. I do not own this, but I do have levitating TARDIS from geek toys website on my home computer desk.

Yes, its coming out in Sep end or October start this year.

Move to Spain. :)

Thank you.

Thank you. I will be spending my last weekend in this house doing that.