
The thing about Lucy Liu's character getting beaten on Southland is not that she's too tiny to do her job but that she made the grave mistake of letting the suspect exit his vehicle and also not calling for backup. That dude would have beaten the shit out of any lone male officer, regardless of how swole they are.

Her father's also full of shit, of course.

Surprisingly enough, physical stature is not the be all and end all of policing.


Looks a hell of a lot better than Dark Matter, that's for sure.

Yeah, I was assuming Mindy Park would be Korean, but I guess not.

The movie creates a wife and kid for Watney, so I doubt he's going have a romance subplot.

Link please. This sounds awesome.

Seriously. And Lagertha is right there, dude.

Yeah, the show shot itself in the foot by killing the two better female characters in such a quick succession.

I can't bring myself to care one way or another about Marcus and Rosa, but I thought Jake and Amy were great. They have great chemistry, and whether or not they stop dancing around each other and get together is irrelevant because they're already great as (slightly flirty) friends. And of course seeing Amy get one

So this means that, if she's lucky, she'll be the fifth or sixth most important character in the movie.

Speaking of Rucka books and action scenes, his Jad Bell series (Alpha and Bravo) takes the post 9/11 gimmick of white American counterterrorist action man in fiction and actually makes it good. Bravo even breaks from Rucka tradition and actually ends on a light/happy note, sort of. And naturally there's lots of

The books… like most of Greg Rucka's books, they're well written but incredibly depressing. Greg Rucka loves kicking his characters while they are down.

This is an amazing series that gets nowhere near the love it deserves. Read this book, damnit.

Chinese chess exists. It's a little different (different pieces, and you play on a grid instead of on squares) but the basics are pretty much the same.

I feel like this book would have been a touch better if Firefight had gotten a POV section or two. She's certainly written better (and less annoyingly) than our Stock Male YA Protagonist.

Yeah, there's no point in seeing all of that now that she's dead, but that still brings us back to the point that the showrunners decided that the best use of Sara was to kill her off. Which is a load of bull.

With Sara we had the connection to the League of Assassins, an interesting personal story about atonement, being forced to commit heinous acts, and what it means to be a hero, and interesting relationships with many interesting characters (especially Sin and Nyssa).

This is completely and utterly wrong.