
Good question, hallucination Sara. Why did you have to die?

Joe Abercrombie's Shattered Sea trilogy (Half a King, Half the World, Half a War) is finishing this July. It has Fantasy Vikings in a world left shattered centuries after the collapse of the civilization of the elves. (Anything more would be spoilers.) It's also nominally YA.

We tried that. It sucked.

Eh, the shine's wearing off for me because fridging Siobhan is just a load of lazy bullshit.

I thought Fusco called her Detective, so she would already be one.

Yeah, I'd love to see Gina Carano starring in a John Wick style action movie.

As a matter of course the Marines rarely took Japanese prisoners, because the Japanese had a habit of faking surrender to launch surprise attacks on American forces. And Thompson killed enemy troops who had managed to infiltrate their camp in the dead of night. He arguably did the right thing, it's his coverup of

The gang are heroes because of what they do to protect the innocent, but they (excluding Finch and the cops) are also ruthless murderers who have killed innocents along with enemy combatants. They've gotten better, sure, and are somewhere on the scale between looking for atonement (Reese) to merely fettered (Root),

"You deserve a peek because you do good things."

She only plays a recurring role on True Detective as some guy's girlfriend, so it's not like she's going to have a heavy workload there.

Wait, what happened to Mila Kunis?

The thing is, Sara alive would've meant seasons worth of plot, especially if she eventually did try to go legit. The way they went ("Who killed Sara?! The plot fizzles out here!", "Watch as Sara's shittier, untrained sister fails her way into her boots", "Let's emotionally torment the most sympathetic character on

Ugh… Why'd they kill the wrong sister?

Yep. Total bullshit. A ton of wasted potential, and even more a failure to build tension. If the Kinaho are going to lose again and again and again then we know how this season's plot is going to end before it happens.

Lexa is cool and all, but if they are trying to draw parallels between Clarke's future and Lexa's past they really should've cast an actress who is older than the people playing teenagers. From what I can gather from Wikipedia Alycia Debnam Carey is all of 20, and she looks it. (In contrast, Eliza Taylor is 25).

Eh, she's having her rise to power, but her fall is just beyond the horizon. I don't see her remaining alive by the end of the series.

Seriously. The opening sequence from "Lord of War", following the journey of a bullet from manufacture to use, has far more similarities to the opening sequences here.

I actually find her the least attractive out of all the female regular and recurring cast. Too skinny and fragile looking, I guess, plus too pouty.

We even find out he has kids. If he puts a picture of them up on his desk we'll know he's fucked.

I've watched the conversation between Nola and Chayton at least five times now. It's incredibly well done.