
I was really goddamn disappointed that the protagonist was another white, mid 30s-40s, brown haired male antihero. No room for something that's not the default, I suppose.

I like Sung Kang and the chick playing his partner, and that's about it. God, this show is generic.

The drone plot is too stupid for words, which is a damn shame because it looks like the entire season is going to be about it. Drones don't work that way, the US needs no operators stationed in the UK since the bases in the US work just as well, and there's no fucking reason why there would ever be armed UCAVs flying

That is just wrong. Lost, a better show than PoI? Nice joke.

Reese, Shaw, and Hersh bickering at each other has to be my favorite thing ever. Just before that is Reese and Shaw banter, and then Root and Reese working together.

But what about Shaw :(.

Yeah, in all fairness to Amy Acker, AoS basically did what PoI would do a week later, only setting out to hit every wrong note out here: creepy relationship dynamics with huge age gap and "knight in shining armor" meeting, no time spent to build our emotional investment in the relationship, no scenes to actually show

There's also still quite a bit of residual hate for Root on Shaw on PoI Discussion Forum, which is annoying since that's the first search result you get for googling "person of interest forums". A lot of scathing criticism of her over that bodega intervention sneak peek. She's apparently "smug", wtf?

That's it. Nugent mentions in the review for Relevance review that Shahi must have gotten to work out of a lot of the residual pain from being in that movie on those poor ISA mooks.

Next week has Laurel using Oliver's bow…. what the hell?

Christ, these writers suck at business, finance, economics…

Did it feel earned for the character? (No.)

I see that Laurel is now subscribing to the Annie Walker School of Stealth. Why, that coat provides you with so much camouflage…

Greer probably sees himself and Harold as two gentlemen who are long overdue for a sitdown and a chat, so it makes sense that he wouldn't blow the secret to Grace. That would be rude.

This is wrong, and you should feel wrong.

Man… this fucking show!

This episode with Maria Hill needed more Maria Hill, less Skye and Ward drama.

"Both the military and Coulson are acting like stupid children in the way they're dealing with the situation."

Because Quinn, Garrett, and Ward (who are HYDRA) needed to piggyback onto Coulson's operation in order to track that facility down.