
I really hope that Angie survives and perhaps even befriends Allison (soccer mom and brusque, aggressive cop, what's not to like, plus Allison needs friends). At any rate, this show doesn't have many female cast members besides Tatiana Maslany and I'd like to keep the ones we do.

Coulson still murdered two guys (who are not HYDRA) a few episodes back and that has gone unanswered.

Eh, if you kill a bunch of people under the influence of some drug, you're still culpable.

Seriously, Sara was right all the way, even if her side was framed as being in the wrong. Roy murdered at least one police officer, and it doesn't matter if he might be considered "under the influence". Sara should have put a bullet in his head, and Oliver should have helped her.

He has also apparently spending a lot of time in a side gig as the Marvel Cinematic Universe's one man QRF that they fly in to save troubled scripts.

Not going to happen. Agent 13 is Cap's primary love interest in the comics.

"Max is too pretty to die, so she probably won’t."
Given her hair color and complexion, she's perfectly primed to be the next ambiguously disordered badass on Person of Interest. Stroup better get out while the getting's good.

I'm going to go with Door number 1.

The writing has definitely gotten sloppy, and the show really hasn't reached the heights it did with the Cry of the Canary arc early on. Also Laurel is apparently back to her Season 1 self, which renders a lot of her character arc (if you can call it that) moot and makes me more and more worried that the showrunners

Yes, that was most definitely a HIPPA violation. Doctors are permitted to share medical information to a patient's family only with that patient's consent. Especially if that patient is not only conscious but out of her bed and moving around.

Such a good episode!

It was Grosse Point Blank of Interest and I loved it. The revenge plot was simple and made sense, and I loved the humor. Plus, Sarah Shahi looking gorgeous in her sleeping clothes and a dress were just cherry on the sundae.

I can't agree. This was one of those cases where the POIOTW storyline actually worked better than the serial mytharc storyline, which for many reasons was actually pretty dumb. Not only was the POIOTW plot pretty damn funny, it also had Nestor Carbonell playing a fairly moving Number.

Ollie kept his allies in check by telling them "I will snap your neck if you reveal my secret to the public".

I really liked that even though they shared a motel room with only one bed, there was absolutely no sexual tension between Reese and Shaw. Shaw was fresh out of the shower in a tank top and shorts and she might as well have been wearing full battle rattle to Reese.

Is it just me or was Shaw looking extra hot this episode?

"I'd like to amend that statement to say 'the services of Amy Acker & Michael Emerson.'"
And while we've accomplished that, why not bring in Sarah Shahi as a brutally competent government assassin?

I'm still probably going to see it anyways, only because of Mireille Enos as a crazy action chick.

Following her upgrade, the Machine communicates with Root using infrasound. The "countermeasure" probably just jams cellular and bluetooth signals, so Root would be unaffected.

Its actually shown in a throwaway Machine's-eye graphic. The camera shows Root mowing down Decima goons and while cellular, bluetooth, etc methods of communications are shown to be disabled, infrasound is still active.