
The problem is that those million people are those who would gladly resort to homicide to ensure that their show remains on the air.

Seriously. The idiotic dreck of Intelligence may be more your speed, Mollymauk.

She also was shot, knocked out, and kidnapped by HR's thugs in Razgovor. And ISA and Vigilance goons got the drop on her in Lethe AND Alethia.

Chapman makes a perfect Harvey Bullock. Donal Logue's "Shrewd police legend" Bullock in the upcoming Gotham series can only disappoint.

Good god this show is so amazing!

I'm rooting for Nola. Kill everyone, Nola!

Maaan, I really miss Life. At least Sarah Shahi managed to land on a good show (although after a few misfires). Damien Lewis has not been so lucky.

Coulson sucks in this show. Clark Gregg is not playing to his strengths in this show compared to the movies that made him famous. Sanctimonious, self righteous, super hypocritical Coulson needs to die a painful death.

Please no. I'm still traumatized by the last seasons of Dexter. Anyone but her.

Simmons is awesome and arguably one of the only parts of the show that work.

If you were Cobie Smulders, would you sign onto this project after seeing the flagging ratings and less than complementary reviews?

Earlier in the season I theorized that Coulson's group wasn't in fact some kind of elite team, but a bunch of C teamers allowed to cruise around in dad's old car, while Nick Fury, Hill, and the actual adults handled all of the real SHIELD work.

Skye being Carol Danvers is the worst possible idea out of the many possible ideas this show has inspired.

But murdering two security guards in the previous episode? Perfectly ok!

I'd be down for some Ward/Simmons. Or Ward and Coulson. Or Ward and Fitz, for that matter. Anything but the damp squib that is Ward and Skye.

I'm very, very glad it was not that.

She really isn't. She's a total overachieving dork completely independent of any of the male characters, and if Holt had been at least a moderately competent female captain instead of a moderately competent male captain she still would have been sucking up to her.

I dunno. Braughter's delivery of "Cupcake match!" was perfect.

The Whedons actually might fare a little better with a POI type show than AoS, if they were a little more experienced. If you look at the classic Whedon shows they're all about small, scrappy bands of misfits fighting against The Man. Angel and Wolfram and Hart, Firefly and the Alliance, Buffy and the Mayor, and so

Now that's more like it! This is why I wish we could get shorter seasons of POI, so we can excise the fat and just get one unending string of awesome, serialized episodes.