
A week late, but I'm very happy that they decided (or got around) to write in Sarah Shahi's own Iranian ancestry. This is a show with two (two!) female POC regular characters, and that's pretty awesome.

The guy's probably wading through supermodels everywhere he goes. Would you really want to take him away from that?

You know, I would be down for Meera Malik, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. God knows that show needs more people of color.

+1 for a good taste in webcomics.

Dogs LOVE chocolate. They're stupid like that.

Chocolate (dark chocolate most of all) is poisonous to dogs, but it's a matter of dosage. Bear's a huge dog, and it's not exactly like he ate a pound of baking chocolate, so he would have been fine.

Possibly because he's seeing Zoe on the regular now?

I'd be happy with no bustier outfit. Some things just don't translate to live action (also, fishnets), and I think Diana in full on plate armor would be hella badass.

So, this episode gets a B while Revolution gets an A-? What the hell?

Man, all the episode's flaws are totally forgiven by me because Black Canary was friggin awesome. Between the Canary Cry, the bulk-of-the-season's worth of plot that she's bringing with her having just announced her retirement from the League of Assassins/Shadows (honestly, I know the latter is more modern but it

There are those who complain that the show is no longer about two middle aged white dudes and their bromance. But dammit, I'm loving all these awesome women being more active this season.

I'm sad that Shado has been stuck in the role of "generic love interest" now after her establishing badassery. And being Oliver's love interest seems to have degraded her skills to the point that she played damsel in distress not once but TWICE in as many episodes. Not cool, and hardly fair to Celina Jade.

And much like Andrea, she's the television adaptation of a comics character known for being both incredibly badass and extremely awesome.

Tatiana Maslany is a Skrull (alas, wrong company!)


Is it too late to make the show about Spader and the CIA, as represented by Meera Malik?  Parminder Nagra has been on screen maybe 15 minutes combined between this week and the last and I'm already feeling like I know more about her character's personality and capabilities than I do with Special Agent BadWig over

I always assumed that May's reluctance to fight was due to emotional trauma, not physical stress.  Probably from a past event where a disaster left her the sole survivor of her SHIELD team.  It perhaps isn't the most original of backstories, but it's a perfectly functional one.  I find her by far the best character

I really like Simmons, as well as Fitz, although Elizabeth Henstridge being an incredibly cute British girl probably helps.  But they're game for spouting sciency bullshit dialogue and have good comedic timing and delivery, plus a decent chemistry with the other team members even if the team as a whole is kind of a

Damn.  Between Neeson, George, Kruger, and Nagra, I think we just outlined a TV show or film that I would watch in a heartbeat.

Well, fuck.  With Parminder Nagra on the show, now I have to watch it.