
Too bad, you know, that got canceled.  Fuckers.

I love how pretty much the most common cover promo photo for Agents of SHIELD out there features Cobie Smulders' Maria Hill, who's going going to show up for a minute in the pilot before heading off to make out with Neil Patrick Harris or something.

So Dexter doesn't feel that Deb deserves to be honored with a cop's funeral.  Well done, show.

Man, I really hope that Emily isn't gone for good.  This is only partially due to my crush on Magda Apanowicz.

This sounds like a perfect show for Maria Bello.  Please cast her, please. I still miss NBC's Prime Suspect, damn it.

Man, their rating for Fruitvale Station was BULLSHIT.

She's hardly bland, but she does have a terrible agent.  She was one of the only good things about Tron: Legacy, and stole the show out from a bunch of much more veteran actors in Butter.  So it's good to see her getting a good role and rising up to the occasion.

@avclub-b9a25e422ba96f7572089a00b838c3f8:disqus Speaking of which, Martinez better be careful because everybody who has sex with Stonebridge is also fucked in another entirely non-fun way.

I agree about Martinez (her being knocked unconscious while Stonebridge wasn't was unnecessary) and Rebecca.  But while Locke saving Dalton was, at the core, a case of a female character already established as a stone cold badass being placed in jeopardy in order to establish the badass bona fides of a male character,

Banshee fails for me because I absolutely, positively, and totally HATED the main character.  That guy was just a horrendous asshole and I wanted somebody to put a bullet in him stat.  Also, if anything the softcore in Banshee was even more gratuitous than it is in Strike Back.

It's a damn shame that Strike Back will no longer be receiving weekly coverage.  The season premiere was absolutely phenomenal.

Harvey can't lead for shit and doesn't give a damn about the firm.  Darby and Hardman came in during the second season of a 3 season old show.  Unless you think that they're more qualified solely on the basis that they have dicks, but Darby is an outsider and Hardman isn't qualified to be the boss either.

I know plenty of funny feminists.

Heinberg's first volume was somewhere between terrible and merely competent, but Gillen's has been absolutely terrific.

1) Sonya propositioning some random dude for sex is straight from the original.  Blame that one.

Annie is quite possibly the worst.  Mary Sue herself has nothing on Annie's super specialness and ability to escape all long term consequences or accountability.

No, she makes eye contact with others, but it's always fleeting, and you can see her glancing away constantly, avoiding prolonged eye contact, etc.

And it took a point blank nuclear detonation after a 100 foot rebar and concrete lined drop to put Juliet down for good.  Walk it off, Tommy!

Laurel is the worst.  It should have been you who died, Laurel!

She's also prettier, because godDAMN.