
I think it'd be called THE EXPENDABLES… oh, wait…

You bite your tongue.  That hat was awesome!

There were back to back Fs earlier on.  That's right.  We were THIS close to getting the Hat Trick of Suck.

Poor Annie Parisse.  She really ought to find a new agent… one who'll stop getting her roles where she dies horribly after a relatively short appearance on the show.

"Did I ever tell you the definition of insanity?"

As is Shaw.

How's this for something to do?

Green Arrow actually hooked up with the nerdy-but-beautiful techy girl, so…

I'm not.  Blood and Chrome is really, really awful.  Also, enough with the fucking Adamas already.

To be fair, "a bottle of white and a side of revolver" doesn't have nearly the same ring to it.

A57 was Cooper's unit number, back when Lucero was still alive.  A is code for a basic two man patrol unit.  Technically since he was on his own he would be L57.  Plus he was off duty, but that's beside the point.

Lethal force merits lethal force.  A cop who takes a taser up against a gun wielding suspect is a dead cop.  Not to mention that more often than not units don't HAVE tasers issued to them.

I figured he was just extrapolating given "Muay Thai".

@vet323 Ahem, you're right, my reading comprehension sucks.  "Eventually a police training video was made using his experience as an example of what not to do when stopping and approaching a vehicle."  But still, same difference.

That's the problem with adapting a 40+ year old incident and placing it in a modern context.  LAPD officers already know all about Onion Field.  In fact, apparently they used the dashboard footage of the original traffic stop as an example of how NOT to conduct a traffic stop.


Jesus Goddamn Onion Field anvil batman.

Truth.  Ygritte's the best.

I think it was Stanton actually.

Wouldn't Bear frak up the motion detector every other hour?  There's no motion detector that only reads "human" motion, after all.