
Eh, Stanton's "fun" psychopathy meant that sooner or later she would have needed to go up against Team Machine and die.  I like Shaw because she's just as cold, but not as batshit crazy.  Makes her able to stick around for longer.

Whenever "Juliet Takes a Luvvah" was filming.  She just straightened it.

Dear god, that sparring session between Slade and Shado on the island tonight was the hottest.

So say we all.


Because SCIENCE, that's why.

Why do you hate Robert Kirkman for creating Andrea?  He created the good, kickass, prime defender of the group Andrea who doesn't jump on the dick of every alpha male she meets.  I'm not sure how much creative control he has over the show, but skanky idiot Andrea is distinctly a show invention.

The way Leon was whining back in Relevance had me thinking that they just pulled him in out of the blue to wear the EMT's uniform and drive the ambulance.

Attractive young blonde who's nice as can be, shoots like a pro and can kill off hostile humans by the squad load to protect her group?  We can't have that.  No, let's make her older, stupid, self righteous, and have her fuck the Big Bad.  And let's make her a lawyer, and then right her so naive and idiotic that

No Andrea = Better episode.  Coincidence?  I thought not.

Morgan.  Duane was his son.

I liked Tang better, but Lucero will do.

I can only hope that this show's version of Abraham and Rosita are instead named Sara and Rodrigo.  Sara is ex-Army.  She knows a few ways to render a body metabolically unviable.

And awesomely, Maggie = (comics) Andrea 2.0.  Which is good because comics Maggie is kind of a shitty character.


I'm thinking that we should be glad that he still had his mask on at the end of his time on the screen.  Those burns must have been nasty.

Yikes.  Crazy Fans (that's the batshit variety, as distinguished from "fans").

Waits patiently for @avclub-27a8571d04bb94905d284f5ab6d11560:disqus to realize that the EPs Jonathan Nolan and Amanda Segel (essentially, the bosses of the show) wrote this episode.  Some drug addled monkeys, them.

Damn you I'm working on a paper right now!  I don't have time to watch both seasons of Life for the 50th time!

She wore boots for most of the episode.