

the uplifting xkcd for the mars rover. I won’t post the depressing one.

Becoming Ugly

In 2001, when I was about 14 years old, my male friends invented a game that went like this: one of them—and it was

I could be angry. I could be sad.
I could have a turnip for a dad.
I could be rich, I could be poor,
Who knew being small-handed was a chore?

Driver: There’s a rather large tunnel up ahead. It looks just like a ... <change scene to street vendor>
Vendor: Tacos. Get your tacos here.
Customer: Hey, look. That looks exactly like ...
<change scene to mountain stream>
Hiker: Holy cow, look at that huge beaver.
Fisherman: I don’t know about a beaver, but look at

I’m gonna ram my Pilot into her CRV EX. ;)

No worries, he’s got a back up plan.

This is beautiful.

How much ya think it’s worth? She’s a classic Wurlitzer..

Who says I have to sell my own organs?

Wouldn’t it be funny if — and I’m just speaking hypothetically here — everyone reading this replied to everything Donald Trump tweeted going forward with “Go fuck yourself?” Wouldn’t it? Hypothetically?

“If Trump actually had any money maybe he would have helped Peter Thiel out with the lawsuits.”

It’s Friday. My girlfriend is out of town for the weekend. I have the place to myself, and I’m going to try and make this. I already have a bagel cookbook, so I can get the dough/boiling part down. I will let you all know how it turns out. If I never post again, well... someone else will need to pick up the Torch (no

“Nikola”? Seriously?

On the other hand, if Ol Hillz gets herself a push-up bra situation and goes with a 70s throwback sweater look, she might stun him into silence and that could ONLY be a good thing for everyone in the entire galaxy.