
Man goes to elaborate, cartoon villain lengths to deceive and manipulate (and likely drug) women in order to rape them.

Ever stop to think your dates contribute minimally to your conversations because you’re condescending, shallow, and uninteresting?

Don’t you get sick of being a contrarian? Don’t you just ever want to say “yeah, that sucks,” and let people be?

Because we’re sick of it.

You don’t always have to “well actually” on every comment. My grandparents both were in poor health when they passed. It was unsurprising, but that didn’t lessen the pain. I know you think blaming 2016 is dumb. But sometimes it’s nice to have something you can say “fuck you” too. I think possibly the only one that

The entire Rogue One team dies at the end when the Death Star blows up the planet they’re on.

Cool story bro. What’s your lane, commenting on every story all day long because heaven forbid we should miss out on your opinions?


You’re the reason people hate animal rights activists.

Sorry dude. You suck. I don’t give a crap about your precious snowflake views about some potential “war”, which by the way is some kind of newly minted college graduate way to look at the world. You are apparently educated, though you’ve certainly filled me with doubt. Perhaps Hillary is a corporatist, or perhaps our

Christ, you are a giant asshole.

You two are adorable. Sincerely, Atlanta.

I wish it was a surprise that all the female staff are upfront about voting for Hillary while a lot of the (mostly white) male staff either aren’t voting for either candidate because they’re not in a contested state or have to “hold their nose” to vote for her.

These guys all have that same Female Friend Who _____ [uses abortion as birth control, votes only for other women only because they’re other women, makes false rape accusations to get attention, likes anal on the first date, has never experienced sexism at her STEM job, once raped several guys in college, etc.]

I get the sense that your whole shtick on here is being goddamn awful for no reason, but it’s getting a little tiresome. Hiring professional dancers to get paid a lot of money to perform sold-out shows in huge arenas, thus raising their profile to a level typically unseen and impossible to accomplish for a serious

Or not. I have yet to meet one person IRL that has had anything bad to say about it.

Well, I was literally bleeding out of my ass, and my doctor told me that I had a pilonidal cyst. Then came the awful question - “So, have you pulled any of the cyst out? It should have the appearance and consistency of old Crisco.”

As a South African expat, may I just say SHUT THE FUCK UP? Jezebel isn’t here to cover your pet causes. Jesus.

It Follows (and grabs you by the pussy)

Canadian here pointing out that the problem with Canadian healthcare is the continued dismantling and Americanization of it.

You’ve definitely banged your second cousin.