
The Saints secondary has been doing this for years.

I will need you to list these “dozens” of “classic rap songs” that only have “one verse.”

There are dozens of classic rap songs that only have one verse.

This is the stupidest story ever. Why the hell would he bring a pound of CLEVELAND WEED to California? Jesus Christ, he can afford to buy weight from a local cholo here, and it’s probably better and cheaper than anything he can get in Cleveland.

Raising your arm over your head after the national anthem is totally disrespectful. As soon as I figure out who should be offended, I’ll update my post.

He doesn't have the ball.

He fell down catching the ball so was clearly down. Obviously you know nothing. But thanks for your great comment.

This is everything:

Forcing himself OUT of something? I don’t get it.

Wow. They already have one QB who can’t stand up; why add another?

This move is definitely two things. It is definitely very cool and impressive. It is also definitely a carry. And that’s fine, it’s a pro-am, who cares, but it’s totally understandable that the defender has some beef with this.

“So you’re saying there’s a chance...” - Manziel, after hearing the news

Wait what is this audio? How do I get it for every game? And how do I get it out of my nightmares?

I didn’t know they kept their field mics inside the toilet reservoirs in Cleveland.

Ah the old pinch and puke. This con takes me back to the 1940s

Hopefully the boy’s mother has a chance to speak at the 2020 DNC.

“I don’t know man. Is there a mirror in the room with the cup?” - A-Rod

Coincidentally, A-Rod became a jerk-off in a cup.