
Tangentially related, my favorite quote about the Civil War, by Ulysses S. Grant: "I felt like anything rather than rejoicing at the downfall of a foe who
had fought so long and valiantly, and had suffered so much for a cause, though that cause was, I believe, one of the worst for which a people ever fought, and one

*reads the headline and nothing else* yeah dude i love kingdom hearts

I love socks…..

The Queens thing is because while Brooklyn was a separate city, Queens was a bunch of different towns and villages. Places like Flushing and Long Island City weren't the same municipality until the consolidation.

Terminal 5 is fine. I've seen worse venues

The only webcomic you need is Cucumber Quest

I think the creators talked about that once in an interview but I don't remember what the answer they gave was


I assume yes but that they don't comment

It would be pretty hard to drive a van to Britain.

This seems pretty reasonable?

I dunno, is Bob Dylan a pedophile and rapist?

Jem has a lot of really cool ideas and design that never really go anywhere. It's a very disappointing show

like seriously i just saw one the other day with 'the "tolerant" left', quotes and all

this is a statement i have only ever seen espoused by mediocre political cartoons, so congratulations, i guess?

as far as i recall Andrew WK is fairly liberal, at least on social issues. I have no idea what his economic opinions are

god seth macfarlane fuckin sucks

I saw the pilot movie on a bus going home from a field trip in middle school. I was confused about it for years because I remembered it as a movie, not as the pilot to a TV show, so I was confused that there was no Flash movie that existed.

I mean, it confuses me when people don't

I had just assumed all of the X-Men were gay. or at LEAST bicurious