
Snyder being an objectivist would not surprise me in the least

I'm excited to play it because it's a Harvest Moon game where I can be really, truly gay

Yeah. Most of the population of that region of Central Asia is Turkic; even in non-Turk countries like Afghanistan and Pakistan Arabs are a very small minority.

Seconded. Please read the Jem comics. They're extremely good.

Comedown Machine's not single-friendly but overall I think it's a decent enough record. Not as good as Is This It, obviously, but still solid.

I'm not a he and I've watched South Park, thanks

South Park is a bad show that honestly has nothing to say. I think the closest thing it has to an ethos is "people who want to change society in any way are bad and annoying".

let me tell you about a wonderful thing we like to call "water".

sounds good to me

"even if it just turns out to be footage of a pair of hefty teenagers in
homemade costumes punching each other and making the sound effects with
their mouths." I'd pay money to watch that. As it stands, I probably won't go see this.

I live in Queens and it's nice.

A show about black culture starring a white dude. How novel!

They're both good

Yeah no this movie sounds completely awful

I'm continuously surprised that ICP still exists

Yeah this checks out except for the omission of Aliens Exist

My mother-in-law liked it. But she has really, really bad taste in everything. And this show didn't seem like much of an exception.

MGS5 is not very good. The first half of the game is pretty fun, but the second half kinda sucks and the story is really boring.

It's a shame we can't do more than one thing at once

I played Undertale. GOTY 2015. GOTY all years. It's really good.