I love you torch and all your articles. Don't listen to all these asses in the comments
I love you torch and all your articles. Don't listen to all these asses in the comments
Just wait around until the blue side debate. I’ll bet my paycheck that Tyler puts the same kind of effort into the analysis.
News flash: In my time at Gawker Media I have never, not once, or even heard a rumor about any of my stories or viewpoints being bent to some political will. Content has never been changed, swapped, watered down or re-construed in any way based on a political bias. In meetings I have never heard of such a bias…
I assume he’ll have no problems writing up a similar summary after the Democratic Party primaries.
I don’t get any money from Autodromo. I don’t get anything from them. I just know the guy from before he started the company and I just like his stuff! I figure y’all would like to see cool car things you can buy.
All your Skylines are belong to US.
Obviously you were giving the instructions for changing brakes on a Ford Prefect.
I think the money would go muuuuuuch better to buy Jalopnik from Gawker Media, myself.
I was disappointed when I saw these. There’s validity in the last video comparing repair costs, but otherwise it’s just Chevy playing on idiotic misconceptions of materials. The super hero thing is a real let down for me. I mean, really? “Steel sounds stronger, buy Chevy! Be a man!”
Aluminum may not sound strong, but it sounds stronger than that carbon fiber stuff. I mean, fiber is like t-shirts, or bran. Do you want to build a car out of t-shirts and bran?