you at kinkos straight flipping copies.
you at kinkos straight flipping copies.
It probably has less to do with mileage than the extreme stop and go beatdown a NYC taxi would go through almost 24 hours a day.
If we use a 3,000 mile oil change interval, that’s 1,500 miles per week, which is 300 miles per day on a 5-day work week, or 37.5 miles per hour on a 40-hour work week. 37.5 miles seems high for one hour of taxi service, but I’m guessing a lot of these guys are working a lot more than 40 hours a week. I also don’t…
You’re racist, why don’t you stop being a coward and just say the offensive shit you allude to and at least have the guts to own it.
I know I want one. Have a video build/review that’s not mine.
LOL, love it. Which one of you replied?
missed opportunity to make a "bye turbo" joke
these people should have their cars impounded just for using the word “sesh.”
That Lambo:
This matters so much for all of the Giulias Jalopnik readers plan on never buying new!
I think the bigger point worth making is that if people are inspired by Bam to behave recklessly or intentionally to damage cars or other property, thinking that they’re going to be covered by insurance (or MTV) for the damage, they might want to think twice; they could end up with significant penalties, if not jail…
Travis, you say, "They say that it isn't pure, it isn't as much fun, they don't feel connected." and then you immediately go on to talk about faster lap times, but you fail to notice that you've already made the point for the manual transmission. It's not as fast as the dual-clutch in the GTR, but when you say that…