Major Major Major Major

Hammond was made more likeable in the film because Spielberg identified with him. If you think about where Spielberg was in his career when he made this, working on Schindler's List and moving away from the whimsical "family" entertainment he was known for in the 70's/80's, Hammond's desire to bring his dream to life

They actually did something like that already.

I love how evil Dodgson is in that book.

So many butthurt people in this thread.

Now let's post recut trailers that are actually good.

Hannibal Rising, the movie, is awful.

Heartbeat's kind of crappy. Sounds like a Phil Collins b-side.

I don't mind it. Believe it or not, some people like the sound of 80's synths. (And it's not nostalgia talking; I was born in '88)

This film has the potential for some really meta commentary on the futility of trying to recreate things from the past we loved.

Yeah that's blatantly a joke review

Reading those old message board posts, it almost seems like Rivers was just trolling his fans. He claims Radiohead sucks except for "Creep" and proclaims both Limp Bizkit and Creed as "fucking awesome"

Can't wait for "Random Roles" with Sluggo

New opinion is new.

Roll up, roll up and see the goggle-eyed freak from the West Country. And over here, the man with a perfectly round head…

Please do not perpetuate the myth that that song is about masturbation.

Well this sucks. I hope this doesn't dissuade Jerry from working on that DEVO musical

Those not convinced this movie is worth their time might want to check out this short film w/ the same characters:…

Dear Jesus

Do Zimmerman supporters all think that, though? Or do you think they all think that, and if so, don't you think your own thoughts are suspect? Think about it.

Remove the word black and you'll have an even better statement.