Major K

Trouble is, the only real enforcement of the ADA is for affect people to sue over it. How many people are seriously willing to go to that much expense?

To be fair, he’s completely incompetent. So he’s not just looking at the base costs and/or the small hotel set-up fee, because he ignored the problem until it bit him in the ass. At that point he’s looking at the rental plus several hours overtime for the hotel to set it up as a rush job, plus whatever their annoyance

I reached out to Joseph T. Berlant, the chair of this year’s World Fantasy Convention, and he responded that Ness’ problems were “the only incident reported” at the convention.

“...they ‘checked into resolving the issue’ and found that “the cost of doing so on short notice was prohibitive..”

Ah the rascal hate. Often a favorite for people who like to decide whether a person “looks disabled enough” to be allowed access to things.