
Out of curiosity i spend an hour or so compiling a list of game protagonists to see how many actually are brooding white guys. (is it 80% as Keza claims? Click here to find out!) I tried to be fair, googled some of the games i dont know etc. but someone who has more time can try to do it more accurately. (or just see

It’s fortunate the Leafs are in playoff contention because no one in Toronto will give a shit about the Raptors.

Well, can you blame him.. I mean just look at her..... wait, where did she go?

Boeing made a jet “comparable” to the F-35, and its certainly not a Super Hornet, or even the theoretical further upgraded Super Hornet that Boeing has pitched... it was the one they competed against the F-35 with when they tried to win the contract in the first place. The X-32.

“The Iran Sanctions Act was enacted to curb Tehran’s support for terrorism and its very dangerous weapons proliferation. It should remain in place until the regime stops exporting terror and threatening us and our allies with deadly weapons,” Royce said in a statement sent to Reuters.

Alternate take: dressing rookies up like women isn’t supposed to make them feel weak or inferior, it’s supposed to make them feel silly. I think hazing is fucking stupid, and if someone doesn’t want to participate in stunts like this, then they shouldn’t be forced to, but “look how wacky our rookie shortstop looks in

Here is a list of every member of the House Science Committee. Start calling them, now.

This makes no sense.

God damn it, Thor. Stop fucking around with Mjolnir. You don’t want to go to war with Santa. It’s a war with no winners.

Was it really necesary to take a bite of out Spark? Man, I don’t get why people seems to underestimate him so much, he seems like a nice fellow, and he’s a Pokemon Proffesor ASSISTANT, he probably knows a lot more about Pokemon than any of you chumps...

But it was all the other women who took it on the chin.

Ahhh College days

No....LeBron did it 4 times in the Finals.

I assume a Browns jersey comes out.

I am just pulling for Lightning and Thunder winning championships and mother nature having a massive orgasm.

When people call the NHL a Mom and Pop league I didn’t realize it was because they’re not letting us go out with our friends on school nights.

Have the James Bond films ended?

Not big on walls though.