
It’s almost like linear fusion rifles do a heavy amount of damage, while regular fusion rifles should be some lesser, secondary tier weapon....but what to call that latter class of weapon? I had something like a second ago.....Not a primary concern, I suppose, but something that warrants a few seconds of serious

As a Canadian, I seriously hope all the worst fears about scrapping net neutrality come true for the US. Maybe this will be the driver that finally wakes up the country the next go around and you won’t elect A REALITY TV STAR as your leader.

I find it interesting that Persona 5's commentary on politics was interestingly relevant to other countries. It is a very Japanese game but, it’s commentary on politicians being beholden to their own interest, young people’s frustration and disillusion at feeling they can’t do anything, and people only believing in

Man.. I was really hoping that all the rumors and hints indicating it was a prequel were wrong, that it was a prequel in setting only (since RDR takes place at the end of the Old West), but nope.

In the universe truth reveals itself to be true in the language of mathematics yet man would rather believe in religion written in obscure languages loosely translated from thousands of years ago. I can’t even fathom.

Looks like a parody of destiny 2 to me, a few stickers thrown ontop of something that already existed ;)

At least the truck stood its ground...

I’ve literally never thought that Sansa was smart. She starts off by choosing Joffrey over her family. She realizes Joffrey is evil, and decides to be cold and wounded and a plaything for him. Everytime someone is nice to her, she would tell them everything. Littlefinger kills joffrey and whisks her away, then kills

Why not make players you draft exempt from the salary cap? If the idea is to protect small markets from losing players they draft, let them pay way more to home-grown players.

I attended the University of Reading, and spent many a night in that pub (the Purple Turtle). I often woke up the next morning wondering if anyone got the number of the bus that hit me.

No love for Spyro the Dragon anywhere :(

For fucks sake....

They’re all stronger than us, from Chimpan-A to Chimpanzee!

I have a feeling Yoko Taro probably isn’t thrilled with this change. That’s where this kind of thing gets frustrating; things being changed from their own creator’s vision.

Is there context here? Why are the sons of super rich corporate stooges beating up an intern? They work for Trump or something?

My overall take: About as good as the first. Worth seeing if you remotely enjoy having fun at the theater.

Honestly what’s happening right now is terrifying. I’m sitting here in Canada wishing I could help. The USA has had terrifying health standards, absurdly high infant mortality, and worse for decades. Now it’s going to become even deadlier. I’m so sorry for everyone. 

Hopefully a judge blocks this one too. Two of Utah’s four horsemen were at the signing yesterday - Orrin Hatch and Gary Herbert (the other two - Jason Chucklehead and Mike Lee were missing). The reaction to Bear’s Ears here has been - for me - unfathomable. They keep spouting the “federal land grab” horseshit whilst

Oddly, this Clásico felt so big because the stakes were in some ways so small.