pru frock

And this on the 3 year anniversary of the Daesh led Paris attack...for shame tRump.

You’re missing out on a whole slew of culinary delights. Let not even get into meat that isn’t cooked at all - like a tartare or kibbeh nayyeh. More for me I guess.

Well written.
TLDR: Trump is a poor person’s idea of what a rich person is, dumb person’s idea of what smart person is, a weak person’s idea of what strong person is.

When the overwhelming consensus of scientific opinion is on your side, and has been for years, you’re not a zealot. If, on the other hand, you do what Parker and Stone did, and side with every demonstrably dishonest mouthpiece with a financial agenda going against scientific consensus, you might well be a zealot. At

That just strikes me as a really short-sighted attitude. We need more people who are willing to help solve the big problems. If their motivation is ego instead of genuine altruism, I’m fine with that, so long as they’re actually doing the work. I’m more than happy if we, for instance, give Bono a shiny awards statue

I’m scared shitless about climate change and have been for decades (much more so now) The old Al Gore episode always turned me off of South Park. It was extremely clear that they were not only making fun of Al Gore but also his ideas. It did not endear me to these guys. In fact I think they have a lot of backwards

Yeah, trying to get people aware of the reality that we’re on a path to making earth uninhabitable, is “self-righteousness”.

Exactly.  Parker and Stone managed to be on the wrong side of virtually every issue for the entirety of the Bush years; it takes a real commitment to brokenness to do that.  I haven’t watched recently because screw those two, they’ve done what they could, in their small way, to push us towards “Idiocracy”.

A sinkhole opens up at the production studio. As everyone plummets to their doom you can hear a unified cry, “Now that I’ve realized I have a stake in society I’ve realized my nihilism was really just petty and self-absorbtioooooooooooon...”

I don’t know, they’ll say this is nepotism

I started writing a response to this four times and just... gah.

don’t let David Brooks drive the bus!

If the NY Times replaced David Brooks with a pigeon pecking away at a keyboard they’d have a much better op-ed page.

Surprised he didn’t just send one bomb to each side and call it a draw.

Although Netflix was wonderful at getting people interested in the Great British Baking Show (*cough* Bake-Off), I highly recommend, if you can, to support your local PBS station with a membership and getting access to PBS Passport.

You can take Megyn Kelly out of Fox but can’t take Fox out of Megyn Kelly.

Having actually driven from New Orleans to Fort Stockton (I was on my way to San Diego) a couple of years ago I’m annoyed that I don’t retroactively qualify for this.

John Lithgow was hilarious on 3RD ROCK FROM THE SUN, in part because Jane Curtin's Dr. Albright was such a great counterpart.

A couple of weeks ago I ran my ring through the dishwasher. Then I made gumbo over night in the instant pot. Can you guess what I forgot to do in between?