
How bout you dump some of that money into your server hosting companies so I don't have to end every game with a "Server connection timed out" error.

The only time I turn off Google Voice for outgoing calls is when I use Caller ID Faker.

@phiyuku: The Optimum reps know how to look your address up on the FIOS website too. If it says only DSL is available at your address they won't budge with those deals. They even cheated me out of an ipod touch once when they promised me if I switched I would get the $70 a month deal plus the itouch. Long story

@infmom: IO Digital Cable,

@DiExMachina: Off topic but very true. There would be people (vice principals and such) that would walk around the class rooms to check on the teachers. You could tell which teachers were tenured and which weren't by their reactions to seeing someone observing them. The tenured teachers would smile and return to

@MajorGroove: Correction 1 in 199 is 99.5%. 1 in 19 is 95%.

@valdesjone: I think you mean 1 in 200. If you do mean 1 in 20 you would have a 95% positive feedback rating assuming all the real ipads arrived safely.

The zero hour, Michael. It's the end of the line. I'm the firstborn. Sick of playing second fiddle. Always third in line for everything. Tired of finishing fourth. Being the fifth wheel. [thinks for a moment] There are six things I'm mad about, and I'm taking over.

@LobsterKnifeFight: Google Voice is like your own personal private branch exchange.

@dennis636223: Your novel of a post is mostly irrelevant.

@Candle.Jack: Their competitors are not the enemy, the consumer is.

I'm beginning to hate Giz because of "articles" like these.

@ortizlgnd4: I would like to see you actually run forward while gaming. Also to track you in 360 degrees would require multiple cameras placed around the room, which Kinnect does not have.

@secretpizzaparty: Maybe they saw that girl play her flute into the microphone and are implementing a similar system for a guitar.

@SJRNWT: Many people believe IMAX 3D is the best but I think you may like Dolby Digital 3D better. Give it a try. Also please use a product before you proclaim the 3d is crappy on it.

Hello 3D haters. Please withhold your all powerful wisdom from the comments section until you have seen more than Spy Kids and Avatar in 3D.

Doesn't this situation remind you of a movie where some man has critical information he needs to share with the government but when he calls he can only reach low level receptionists who brush him off as some crazy person?