
@Bogus83: no, it's still cool to hate Apple for putting "i" before everything

@rudyfrederic: difference here is that AT&T burns letters, apple can't because then they would be attacked by latte-drinking hippies

@rudyfrederic: difference here is that AT&T burns letters, apple can't because then they would be attacked by latte-drinking hippies

I mean I am kinda pissed at apple as well, but I mean dosn't this guy have something better to do? if it were steve job's representative I would understand but New York is far away from Californ-I-A

kind of glad I am getting the iphone 4 then, it has some annoying hardware issues, but a great OS, this droid however has greater hardware but a bloated and greasy lady that gets stuck on the airplane toilets for an OS.

@JJJ: OHHHH MYYY , and every port as well

Damn, I would like to set her to vibrate...

@manimatr0n: at least you die happy with bacon

@manimatr0n: realy? Tom hanks is like movie-bacon, he makes anything taste gooooooooood.

@poplin: Cage destroyed every movie he has ever acted in, a cheap Tom Hanks is all he ever was, hopefully got better with this film, will see

activision, you guys really don't seem to get it. You try to be nice by hiring Dan for OneOfSwords, but you make his Job so hard. Look into a mirror next time you wonder why you are hated, because of dick moves like this. It dosn't matter if legally you were right, it was still a dick move.


@DrunkRobot: well they can wait, just pull what happend at EA allover again, BSG would be proud

@Altima NEO: can't everybody in the company just leave and form a new studio with all the staff still in their old positions?

@Phoenix117UK: what about the aborted sister arctic thunder?