
I don’t think that would “solve” the infrastructure problem, but I’ll admit that isn’t a terrible idea. There’s still the huge problem of the lackluster and failing infrastructure that would back those chargers. It’s already struggling under the strain of our existing demand, and getting positively third-world during

America is a vast, self reinforcing culture of malignant lunacy.

I get it and applaud the honesty. I appreciate people who know they don’t want kids so they don’t bother having them. I know plenty of parents who should never have had kids.

If only they wouldn’t wear those tight coveralls, lord what’s a man to do with such temptation? I would gladly give up the three congressmen currently “representing” South Dakota.  None of them have ever done anything for the state. 

Maybe North and South Dakota could eat each other? And why did he leave out Alaska, they have a really small population too.

I feel like the really important takeaway from this how fucking empty these states are and how insane it is that they get so much fucking representation.

The takeaway here is that those five states have really small populations. I propose that they each be eaten by whatever state borders them.

Anytime you hear a Republican whining about people “dropping out of the workforce” or the mythical “labor shortage”, what they’re really saying is “the serfs are getting uppity so it’s time to grind their faces a little harder.”

aka “I got mine so fuck everybody else”

Yep. Solidairty.

it’s called “solidarity”

I support those workers when the’re struggling, because if they win it makes the entire working class stronger.

pretty much everything the working class ever achieved was due to solidarity

As for “greedy”.... you mean the CEO and the rich people that own the company

Solidarity with labour! 

The idea that trans women are somehow supplanting cis women is absurd. It’s also pretty close to what racists used to say about integrating nonwhite girls and women, which should give you pause.

But it won’t, because based on the rest of your comment it appears that you are yourself a TERF.

Normal dollies couldn’t get the Tesla off the pedestal this owner keeps it on.

“When a man has found his dream girl, he will ditch his old ways and become the man that she expects to have,” says one post.

You act as if Colorado is the only state that has to deal with those problems. 

I suspect any corporation would fire someone who decided to make a single tweet that ended up costing their company multiple contracts and financially impacting their bottom line.

As the CEO of a company, part of his job is to not rock the boat, and cause falls in stock price. By saying this stuff, he did so. He was bad at his job. He lost it.

I’m not gonna lie, I am pro-choice, I think his opinion is gross and immoral and I see the point in many of the posts in this thread... but I’m still conflicted about this one.

Make the push for unionization. Push for collective bargaining agreements.