
Religion is seriously a poison on humanity.

How is this janky? This fix is less likely to break than the original design.

Crenshaw needs to look at this situation with more depth. His vision is clouded by his wallet and the political blinders he wears. His insistence that we rely on the ongoing extraction of fossil fuels is just a patch on the problem of global climate change, a looming problem he just can’t seem to focus on. We need

I’m starting to think that as people age they either become harder and more hateful, or softer and more loving. Rush Limbaugh, Qanon, Tea Party politics, etc just hasten the process and make it happen faster.

Twitch subscriptions are also charged through xsolla, and I’ve had five subscriptions charged every month for the past three and a half years and have never had a problem.

you can buy it through paypal though..

They DMCAd 1 idiot who was making up harmful things about the company not just being critical of the game.

Just a heads up: If you get shitty or mean in these comments I’ll remove them. Go be an asshole somewhere else. 

Exactly my take.

What snipers are you talking to? I know several, including my father, and standard zero is 3-500m.

Oh on the contrary, the electricity liked it very much! I was thinking the same thing though, as this looks like a typical rig vs power line situation. The tires always go first as the rubber breaks down, as you see here with the arcing around the rim, then it catches fire as the rubber begins to degrade, then it

The blackbirds are preferable to the deer along the same route.

I-90 from Rapid City to Sioux Falls SD....

It’s got that same, semi-beautiful, emptiness. But the worst part is that there are suicidal blackbirds lining the highway through the badlands that will literally divebomb your car when you’re doing 80mph down the highway.

Best case scenario is, your first time driving that

That only works on French vehicles. German vehicles go right around them.

Gita, thank you for this--and particularly for taking the time to collect opinions from the broader fanbase.

I personally find what Jontron had to say during the “debate” (if such it can be called with a straight face) absolutely repugnant, on both a (personal) moral level, and as someone who is reasonably well-versed

The Wi-fi in Sony’s game systems have always been garbage for me, so what I did was take a router that can be flashed with open source firmware and set it to be a “media bridge.” I still don’t need to run a wire out to my living room, but the PS4 is connected via ethernet to a router acting as a big, multi-client

That guy is extremely talented with a chainsaw.

I hate that people “despise” or dislike a car because of the people that drive them. Like I’ll never buy a Mustang because people who drive them have a tendency to have less teeth and direct them at crowds of people. It’s a very stereotypical thing. I do agree with you that the people you happen to associate with the

PSA: Just because someone else is endangering the lives of the people around them, please do not try to teach them a lesson by increasing the danger.