How We Made <i>Top Gear</i>

There we go then. The sun has set on what I imagine we will one day call Old New Top Gear. Now we sit patiently with

That .gif is ten times better if you read it in Captain Slow’s voice.

Swedish seats are the best.

With all due respect, whoever calls this beautiful needs their eyes checked.

Good. Good. Let the pedantry flow through you.

The answer is (still) always Miata.

Civility FTW.

Don’t go in like a hothead and you get treated like a fellow human? What a novel concept.

I read that as “We’ve Twerked the Buyer’s Guides...”, and now I’m disappointed.

I won’t deny that this picture is hilarious.

If you don’t smile when you see your car, you probably bought the wrong car.

You don’t like the blue? The blue is good. You like the blue.

Even better is when you see/hear it on the base-model of a small econobox with a 3-cyl engine. Opel/Vauxhall Corsas are particularly bad for this crime!

Thank you for the great images. I’m afraid my vision of Japan has always been influenced by Miyazaki.

FUCK GREY! Everything is grey, silver or greysliver. We need color.

Swedish Racing Green!

This 100%. Now that I am cupped in the luxury of Volvo seats 24/7, my life has been relaxed about 7 notches. Apocalypse burned my house down? No problem, I just go sit in my Volvo seats and the world disappears...