
My pfSense PC is current.

I hope it doesn’t mean another 6GB patch whose download putters along at an extremely anemic 1.4Mbit/s and finishes just moments before lights-out...

Same. It’s the sole reason I powered through the build of the the Lego Saturn V model (the day it was delivered) in 4 hours *last* night...

So the forced 6 in my S60RD is engine nirvana then?

The sparkle wrench frees all things, or turns them into a satisfying bit of slag when patience is exhausted.

...and suddenly I’m reminded of my days autocrossing (poorly, slowly) in H-Stock.

Evidently Hammond was close enough without needing much work.

Grabber Blue Ford is best Ford. That is all.

No repair documentation is complete without at least one such image.

The mini-map is draining away from video games and into real life...

In related news, What Happens Next drops on Jan12, ‘18. Preorder available, single “Energy” on Spotify.

Because of the Wii U gamepad’s size, it is the only one that could be subjected to The Branch—snapping it in 2 by slamming it against your knee...

Still, when he says he wants a “fast car” I don’t think he means a comfy car that happens to be fast?

...came for S90 mention. Was not disappointed.

Automatic star!

I frequently swap it with Sweet Business, as it is far more useful in public events to be able to (quite literally) mow down All The Things with that 99-round clip. Despite the glaring drawback of a hideous wind-up, it still brings a smile to my face (“I love my job.” indeed I do!) Shielded captains evaporate under

I’m having a sad—not a single mention of Joe Satriani... [Discogs]


This story made my day, have your star!