A previous job had an office on the 32nd floor. It was always a little depressing to look out at the parking lots below and see a mass of silver/white with a smattering of black. Actual color was quite rare, and that was 12 years ago.
A previous job had an office on the 32nd floor. It was always a little depressing to look out at the parking lots below and see a mass of silver/white with a smattering of black. Actual color was quite rare, and that was 12 years ago.
I’m of the opinion that 300 HP or so is plenty adequate for the average American citizen.
...Alternatively, get a Volvo with winter tires.
I would hope that Volvo engineers aren’t the only ones that used a modicum of common sense an put all the windshield-mounted sensors in the swath cleared by the wipers...
Wait, the VW program doesn’t ignore them above a certain speed? Guess they were too busy with the cheater diesel program...
Have a Volvo with remote-start, (aging) FitBit Ultra, and a Nexus P6.
Not a Volvo. Unimpressed.
My grandfather packed his family in a station-wagon and did a tour of the US with a pop-up camper in 1963.
Not really a horror story, more an amusing way to mix work & pleasure: My instructor got me my highway experience by having me drive to a convenience store in the next county over. A 1-hour round-trip to avoid paying higher taxes on his cartons of cigarettes...
I see a lot of hating on clutches in the comments, and that’s fine, but now that I’ve had my Volvo-with-the-awesome-seats for 2 years... The unforgiving, un-ergonomic slabs of granite that most manufacturers pass off as seat padding are what I take issue with.
nah, it would be the shitty mileage that rectum.
When they said they bought a shitbox of a car, they weren’t kidding!
Agreed. IMO, there are other BMW designs that are better than this...
There’s nothing more depressing than looking down on multiple large surface parking lots from 30 floors up. All that conformity, so grayscale....except for the occasional single yellow or bright blue car.
Came for outrageous quips...
In this case, the answer is Volvo.
Did Nintendo relax the requirement that the creator needed to complete the map before it could be public, or is it still in effect?
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