
Pperhaps you need to look at something a LITTLE more who typesets her blog?

And not a penny-farthing in sight. Fuck Gabriel!

If you have to figure it out you’re doing it wrong!

Ah, but they DO care. It’s why she’s telling everyone about it, on Vox, on her website, in printed form...get the picture?

“[they] know the world is a cruel place for anyone who doesn’t fit into the dominant culture.”

Au cointreau [sic]...I think 98% of people from the Victorian Era would dearly LOVE to have lived this way!

Loving ‘twipster’.

I LITERALLY LOL’d at your first sentence!

I’m actually lookwing forward to the last one (Fuck Gabriel).

Not if you pay nine-year-old laborer-slaves four cents working an 85 hour week...but only as long as they keep up their piece rate.

Probably living under a bus shelter somewhere...or doing stand-up.


Actually, because they’re running around telling everyone this is REAL!

I’m somewhat more measured in my commentary usually but I think Adam just said, pretty much, EXACTLY what I was thinking!

And an exceedingly inauthentic one.