
Age: 17-18
Location: His bedroom
Partner: Boyfriend
How it went down: That night we had decided to take some lsd and while I only took two tabs he got the bright idea to take seven. So, let's just say that he was in a different plane alltogether and at one point he started freaking out from the intensity of the high so I

That's how I do it. I've never really understood why one would do it any other way. Seems too complicated.

The pill mosaic scene that you're talking about is from 'À la folie... pas du tout' according to my google search.

But what about conditioner?

But Emma, it's physically impossible to have too many clothes.

Is your friend me?!! That happens to me all the freaking time!!

Confidence is key to everything, not age.

Now playing

Anyway, whatever, we should watch a happy video so here's a happy video:

When you make it go to the top then that makes it the first thing that people see and encourages more people to come here and post their shitty opinions. You may not care but when these things are pushed to the top and push down the better discussions, that don't go in a circle, it makes this place a less welcoming

Ugh you guys suck. Why even reply to this stupidity? I mean... 69 replies... I swear you guys are doing it on purpose. You like being riled up don't you? ('You' as in the general 'you' not 'you' personally)

Do you guys ever understand that when you reply to trolls or people with shitty opinions all you guys are doing is pushing the convo to the top of the page? You guys are becoming ridiculous.

Aah, okie duly noted. I can see why.

Cherryblossomz66 wrote "not strangers, of course, but people who I grow to know well" so they are not harassing random people on the street.

Fannypack are from Brooklyn and this song came out around 2003 though they're more known for 'Hey Mami'. They were really popular in our group of friends back in high school. Still love them after all this time. ♥(ˆ⌣ˆԅ)

Now playing

This looks super fun actually but I can only imagine myself with this playing as my soundtrack...

I love her new style but I really hate how it's so close to what one of my friend wears. My friend lives on the other side of the country so I haven't seen her in a long time and seeing Miley dressed up like that makes me miss my friend hardcore.

Focus on your own health and stop judging and caring what other people do. Ain't none of your business and you should have a broom shoved down your throat if you think otherwise.

I'll pay quadruple that to not sit next to him.

At 22 I was beating myself up for not knowing what I wanted in life and going through an identity crisis. Oh, and lots of rants against the American college system and other cultural stuff. Lots and lots of rants.

Yeah, when I was on OKC and listed my orientation as bi the same thing would happen (usually 50+ gross old guys with a young Asian wife). I tried ignoring it but after a while it feels like there are more people wanting to be gross than there are people genuinely interested in you so I started listing myself as either