That's how I feel whenever I try to dredge through LOTR.
That's how I feel whenever I try to dredge through LOTR.
All I got from your rambling mess is that you like to feel superior to others and masturbate to yourself in the mirror.
Wait, how does this relate to the article or this girl's search for pictures of hot russian actors?
Oh my god. So many of my childhood memories now make so much sense.
That's okay. It happens to the best of us... it actually took me a little bit to get it cuz I first thought it was referencing 'You belong with me'
It's obviously a reference to Pretty in Pink.
Y'know I love my cats with all my heart but some days I just want a dog to cuddle with. .... *sigh* I really want a house filled with cats and dogs but I'll have to wait till I get my own place.
Dear Tracie, Madeleine, Jenna, & Jennifer:
Yay, I love me some Chris O'Dowd. If I could have a sex sandwich with him, the hiddleston, and fassbender (well you can just add every celebrity crush I have in that sandwich) you could then kill me because there'd be no point to life after that.
Aaaw, he's not shirtless.
If all it takes for you to leave this is access to Netflix then I will gladly buy a membership for you and then we can share.
Feeling like this is appropriate for you... skip to 3:28... hmm actually, no wait, just watch the whole thing.
What is a maternal apron? I just googled it and all I found was stuff about real aprons and an article talking about chickens.
The best way I've found, for me, to relax and distract myself is just go on polyvore and make a whole bunch of paper dolls (weed's good too). There's just something about creating something for myself that makes it so that the world around me depresses me less...
Michael J Fox was also asked what he would think if Taylor Swift was ever interested in his son and wanted to date him. He answered that he would tell her to stay away from his son because he wouldn't want her to write a breakup song about him.... though he was probably joking.
AKA death by gaslight
I've started doing that too! It's always funny how angry they get when you flip their jokes around on them. So much popcorn.
I miss lsd so much. She was a good friend.
Yes but the only way to placate our lord Cthulhu is to keep posting cute animal videos. You don't want Cthulhu to eat you or do you?