Bring yourself back to first season when he was just a stressed out househusband with an obsession with the demon baby. I think the dog fits with that version of him now.
Bring yourself back to first season when he was just a stressed out househusband with an obsession with the demon baby. I think the dog fits with that version of him now.
Here's some more puppy love for everybody. Zachary Quinto adopts a cute dog!
The #1 reason I still have a FB account: My super awesome best friend doesn't have a smartphone and sucks at remembering birthdays. This makes it easier for her. :p
My last name is awesome and I have yet to find an American who can say it correctly. I never want to give it up.
Silence. Deafening Silence.
Oh, I remember everything but to be fair (haha) it was really really bad. I still haven't had a sexual encounter as bad as that though last year there was one that almost comes close.
Damn, that sucks but, at least, it was stopped before it could get too convoluted/overwhelming. (?- not sure which words to use... damn esl!!)
I didn't even know 4chan existed back then. It wasn't until I discovered /cgl/ that I even knew 4chan existed. I just happened to notice while looking through aim that almost everybody that hangs out in these things are not underage.
I shall pray for you to the fair Lady. Hopefully, she will hear my call and send you lots of good lucky dreams.
Or maybe people are just interested in internet culture (and fandom culture) and the drama that surrounds it... or maybe they just find it funny. It's not like it takes that long to compile shit together.
Thank you. :) I almost reached the second to last level at the isle of sleep but then something happened and I'm back in the middle. *sniffle* Someday... someday.
Why would you feel sad for them?
Sorry, I just realized I asked you the same question they were asking the guide but I just had to ask because that made me want to get a time machine just so I could yell at them. Completely blows my mind that people would think that's okay.
I think they're hoping that they can lure you in and when you realized you've been bamboozled their claws are already embedded into you.
When I was a teen around 14/15 I used to go all the time on aim chatrooms and troll the pedophiles. I loved to say some of the weirdest things to these people and always had a huge laugh when they would send me pics of naked male pornstars pretending it was totally them. My favorite was when invariably these guys…
Haha. I have the exact same problem. I know that's how she is normally and she does it to all her friends but it still drives me up the fucking wall. We've been friends for so long that she's the only one I tolerate this from but I have noticed too that this is normal behavior from most people I meet/know. I just…