Fuck you and your god damned spoilers, asshole. Some people who frequent this site didn’t get to watch the episode when it aired. I hope you rot in hell.
Fuck you and your god damned spoilers, asshole. Some people who frequent this site didn’t get to watch the episode when it aired. I hope you rot in hell.
I took a girl who dumped me to a Counting Crows concert after we brome up because I bought the tickets for us to see the show. It was awkward... but it was a great show.
I got dumped, on my birthday, by a girl I had moved away from home to be with. We met online on forums for a gaming convention. We met at said convention and we really connected. Then, over the next few months we started talking and fell in love. I relocated myself for her and thought things were going well. We were…
Not gonna lie... I was a little disappointed when I read the article and found out this had nothing to do with Tommy Wiseau.
It’s articles like this that make me glad I got my 1080TI when they first dropped. This sounds terrible.
Baker’s Dozens!
Eff that! I have a 2 year old nephew who will play classic NES and SNES before moving onto other consoles! He will know our pain and joy!
I want to know how she’s keeping her cape from hanging down as well... it’s hurting my brain.
No love for Sturm and it’s companion Drang? While the reload speed is for shit on Sturm, having a pair of guns that refill the ammo of the other on kills is pretty nice to have and Sturm is real nice for oneshotting with precision hits.
You might need to have your mom post for you if you have two broken arms.