
Not gonna lie, I at several times during that episode. When she meets The Doctor again and then at the end when he leaves. Okay... who’s cutting onions in here?

I’m glad I’m not the only one who was more than slightly disappointed by that revelation.

You should check out my friend’s theater troupe! They do originally written shows in the style of the old radio dramas! They perform them live, on stage in front of an audience at a local theater.

*Pushes up glasses* That would be Teela, not She-Ra in the image above.

Does anyone else think the red Jaeger looks like HK-47?

Fuck you and your god damned spoilers, asshole. Some people who frequent this site didn’t get to watch the episode when it aired. I hope you rot in hell.

Suicidal Lightspeed Ram is the name of my Electric Light Orchestra cover band.

I took a girl who dumped me to a Counting Crows concert after we brome up because I bought the tickets for us to see the show. It was awkward... but it was a great show.

I got dumped, on my birthday, by a girl I had moved away from home to be with. We met online on forums for a gaming convention. We met at said convention and we really connected. Then, over the next few months we started talking and fell in love. I relocated myself for her and thought things were going well. We were

One of my favorite things about this movie is that after you realize the twist, it becomes an almost completely different movie. Because you then start out knowing what Louise knows as she tells the story and it is equally as heartbreaking and beautiful.

Not gonna lie... I was a little disappointed when I read the article and found out this had nothing to do with Tommy Wiseau.

It’s articles like this that make me glad I got my 1080TI when they first dropped. This sounds terrible.

That one Jaeger looks like HK-47! I can only hope it has a sentient AI that calls all humans and kaiju Meatbags!

If Melissa McCarthy ends up in the remake I will not go and see it. I cannot stand her.

Baker’s Dozens!

Eff that! I have a 2 year old nephew who will play classic NES and SNES before moving onto other consoles! He will know our pain and joy!

I want to know how she’s keeping her cape from hanging down as well... it’s hurting my brain.

I know it isn’t going to happen, but I would really like to see Rey’s parents turn out to be Ezra Bridger and Sabine Wren from Rebels. It would be a nice connection to the already cannon show that needs to get more love.

Funny, when I searched my last name, I found 4 pages of comments against Net Neutrality and they all used 1 of 2 comments, word for word.

Well, the good news of this is that if they aren’t doing any more Trek, Karl can focus on being in the Dredd Netflix series we’ve been hearing about and all is right with the world.