
I'll pass on the less-than-a-cm thick screens and just stick to my sturdy 42" Sony Bravia.

@mangonights: I don't agree, I actually think it's a very informative article. It's a 12.1 tablet running Linux, man!

@MacTodd: Maybe it got SO close that they could no longer comfort Apple? xD (of course I'm kidding, they fucked up :P)

@geolemon: That first sentence was the hardest sentence I have EVER got to read. Ever.

@certifiedfryguy: Is it HTC's fault for not perfecting their products, or your fault for continuing to buy them, instead of actually investing some time into finding a good phone that doesn't suck balls.

@Mattz: See, thank you. That was all I wanted to know :P.

Excuse me, Toshiba! *raises hand in class*

@Jonny_eh: I agree with Shadowlayer. It didn't sound like you were (or not) trying to be sarcastic, it seems more like you screwed up your comment.

What a lot of people seem to be forgetting is:

@alternativejoe: Everybody knows BDS9 is the best ever and will stun your mind!

@Dorian Arbos: Even if they did need a large flat surface, couldn't they have used salt flats?

VERY impressive, could you imagine holding a concert under that thing. The lighting makes it look very.. romantic, which is particularly special since it's a whole ton of beer cases xD.

VERY impressive, could you imagine holding a concert under that thing. The lighting makes it look very.. romantic, which is particularly special since it's a whole ton of beer cases xD.

Why would I want a touchscreen television? Pardon my supposed stupidity but am I wrong in saying that that doesn't make any sense?

@siwex80: Yes well, thanks for contributing to it. Your arguments made it so much better.

I think we can all agree that BlackBerry is done and out in the consumer market but.. do they really care? Was it ever 'cool' to have a BlackBerry?

Seriously.. how much money do all of you guys have? Really?!