
Steven in prison:

@vapour: Finally, someone who gets it. I get to play ALL the games I want and have had only 2 updates installed on myXbox.

@WilliamTheFifth: My GOD! We'd never see it coming until it was too late!

@dallasmay: There is a big, BIG difference between being a 'total skank' and just enjoying sex. I enjoy sex, enjoy the hell out of it really, as I have in the past.

@—Core—: "crack the thing open in the most efficient manner and least damaging manner possible, and find outs what is in it. "

@Clashwerk: Very nice but it would've been more awesome if you opened your eye up more.

@Cyb3r_Punk: And then they ended up being the bestest of friends.

@Incoherent: Yeah but then again, how much quality would / can you expect from a 25 dollar watch?

@d3115: Omg you're right! I knew he reminded me of someone!

@minibeardeath: Is her face actually... omygod... is her face strapped down with ROPE?!

Placing those nets was a completely hollow and rude gesture to begin with. You shouldn't have be catching them, you should be taking away their reasons to JUMP!

@Billybird: Awww, did the interesting article on one of the world's most historious moments 'kill' your 'buzz'?

@kitsuneconundrum: After reading a story like that, THAT'S your first reaction?

@Canon7D-Fanboy: I agree with you on the Twin Towers but not on Pearl Harbor. PH was a military installation / harbor where a lot of soldiers died. But they where soldiers and very much part of the war, not just innocent civilians like Hiroshima or the WTC.

@Unholy_Hero: Your comment strikes me as odd. It almost sounds like: "Yeah Hiroshima was horrible but THEY did stuff to us too!".

@Ninja_peach: Ehm... why would you do that anyway?

@Captain K'nuckles: Scratch that 'slightly' and put in 'severely'. Seriously, even browsing to the Facebook site and bookmarking it as an icon on one of your homescreens makes for a better FB app.