Maitresse Hopper

Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, is it?

My teenage cousin says, "They killed Lexa on The 100 for this!?!"

Well, maybe not children, but some of the stuff coming out of the mouths of my fellow millennials is pretty embarrassing. See, "Second Wavers: We don't owe you anything."

Yeah, no. The Barbie sketch was SNL's answer to the ongoing debate between older feminists and millennial feminists about the importance of Hillary Clinton's campaign and whether feminists, generally, have an obligation to support Clinton.

Actually, Cynthia revealed on "Whatcha Packin'?" that she was planning to do Sofia Vergara.

Sasha's an expy of James Spader's character in Pretty and Pink, I take it? I loved his line to his teammate in Speakeasy Rider, "Those are 10 dollar macarons and you're eating them like they're five dollar macarons."

The "glory hole restaurant" was my favorite sketch of the night. Is the concept of an old bathhouse-turned-restaurant really that far fetched for Manhattan? There used to be a restaurant in the LES called Tenement located in a former tenement. It very much had a "we're dining in a building where Irish, Italian, and

Hailey Atwell and Enver Gjokaj look like they could be Emily Van Camp's grandparents, right?

Fun fact kiddles: Ruben Blades is actually quite the accomplished salsa musician. The name of his band's greatest hit? Pedro Navajas.

No, *you* thought Shay was the Castor mole. I guessed it was Dr. Nealon. We were both wrong, but at least I was half right (that Nealon was some kind of mole).

Delphine!!!! Noooooo!!!! Cosima's going to be devastated.

Rachel knows two things that could have led Rudy to Scott: the name of the book and that Scott has access to the book. It's not exactly clear that Shay is the mole. The promo is also vague. All we know is that Shay served time in the military.

The "Castor mole inside Leda" moment is the most confusing since the "Rachel got inside the building as Sarah to nab Kira and no one noticed" moment of last season. Why wasn't Sarah already inside, where was she going, didn't Saddler's people find it odd that Sarah came back literally two seconds after leaving and OH

This is why I love BB. A lesser show (FAMILY GUY, I'M LOOKIN AT YOU) would have gone with a stereotype for cheap laughs, like "Haven't you, Rosita/Consuelo/Maria/insert Latina name of choice?"

I'm pretty sure Zeke was there as a Pesto family friend and Jay Ju's bestie.

"It was a *stroke* Harold! And it was * barely* one at that, you big baby!"

He's at the shop getting repaired. I really hope they can get him one of those face mask thingies (like Agent 33) so he can feel pretty again (like Agent 33).

They killed her just as she was getting interesting…

Is it just me, or does anyone else think of the pool scene in Showgirls whenever Skye's parentage is mentioned?

If you speak Spanish, you can watch a dubbed version in the U.S. on MundoFox. MundoFox's website also runs past eps about a week after they air.