
Trump looks far more ridiculous (I’m excluding Kerry because he was never president).

Stupid hat? Check.

When I think Papa I think this guy. He’s certainly no damm hipster.

The president-elect told advisers he wanted to tap Mr. Pence’s Washington experience and contacts to help move the process along

Nah, his bid died weeks ago. These are the gases released from the cadaver after rigor mortis begins to set in.

this is the real story here folks

Will Eddie Murphy still be Mushu

Never forget.

You guys, 8 years is a long time. We all look older! Everyone ages a lot in 8 years.  I think he still looks great. Just older.

Would I want to save $10 bucks on headphones? Depends on how easily I can get to the second location. If it costs me $10 to get there, its a wash. In reality, I would be asking for a price match otherwise no deal.

That was so short it was almost lazy. I DEMAND MORE.

Yes, smoking weed makes you a thug.

Story seems to be missing the paragraphs that go with the title.

This doesn’t actually explain why the bruises are there though, just that they’re easier to form. Still may be from playing hockey in your sleep...

So, I ask this in genuine curiosity and not in an attempt to be dismissive; what appeals people to clothing and dresses like this? To me fashion shows like this read not as having anything to do with clothing or the human form, but mainly as just art shows (with strong performance art elements). I guess I struggle

Gosh, if it wasn’t written by the founding fathers, it can’t be something we agree with. After all, the founding fathers were Ordained by God in All Words Spoken right?

“In God We Trust” wasn’t written by the founding fathers either, but the fact that it’s on our currency is constantly used by people as “evidence” that our country is supposedly intended to be non-secular.

good thing they burned the poem immediately after it was written instead of posting it up on our country’s front door and using it in elementary schools to explain how our country works to EVERYONE who’s ever grown up here... otherwise, it might mean something.