I totally agree. I was reading through that thinking, I don’t stress about these things because I’m generally responsible about my sexual health. I use condoms, I’m on birth control, and I get an STD screening every year just in case. Having sex, for me, has never come with the worry that I would get pregnant or…
I find it interesting that she wanted 12 kids but then on the other hand is glad she doesn’t have to worry about missing her period.
How do they reconcile their feminist beliefs with Catholicism’s stance on birth control and reproductive rights? I’m NOT being snarky, I’m genuinely curious.
It’s not 1697 anymore! Sex does equal a mandatory baby and now you have to get married lest shame befall the family.
Choosing chastity because you dig that lifestyle is feminism. Choosing chastity because sex = sin and realizing that you like being chaste is Stockholm Syndrome.
Seems to me that dutifully following a religion such as Catholicism, which places strict limits on what women can/cannot do, isn’t feminism at all.
Stuff like this is why I love you, Ellie.
I dropped out of community college because I couldn't pass beginning Algebra. Way to bring me down Jeremy!
Did anyone else notice the pencil is $330? Seems reasonable.
Hey, nothing wrong with sticking with pads!
Truth. I tried a DivaCup and a I think a Luna cup that didn’t work for me at all. Then I found this amazing chart and was able to select a cup that fit perfectly. The first time I put it in, I literally forgot I was wearing it until later that night.
I love my FemmyCycle. But I went through three other cups before finding it - at about $40 each that’s really cost prohibitive for most women. Many seem to try one brand and if it doesn’t work they give up and go back to pads or tampons. I’m really hopeful that prices come down and that there will be an easier way to…
it is very much not a joke and it is honestly rude of you to assume so
I’m kind of amazed that grad students are managing to get unionized before adjuncts, but at least progress is being made. If it keeps up, hopefully it will spread.
Lemon, I don’t have time to perform triage on your love life. I’ve got a lunch meeting with Roger Ailes and I need to make sure I don’t wear anything too...revealing.
So what happens if you wear the ring with a pair of sweatpants? Do the conflicting maintenance-level-indicators create a rip in the time-space continuum, negating the need for steady employment?
So soon? Come on guys, it’s just your second day.
I saw this title and was like ‘there is a name for what I’ve been going through?!’ This is perfectly timed for me cause I just turned 25 and have been feeling this way for a bit right now...I’ve been feeling trapped and thinking of moving and it’s kinda nice to hear that this is fairly normal. It kinda sucks for all…
What kind of moron uses "You have pubic hair" as a putdown?