
Yeah, I was pretty annoyed with episode 1. But it really did get much better. Episode 5 was straight up disturbing at times. I’m looking forward to the next story style game the creators come up with.

There really is no better anal-ogy.

The nightmare was certainly my favorite part of the game, hands down (apart from the neverending “don’t catch me” sneaking). It was delightfully dark, and I was seriously creeped out. I really thought that Jefferson was the devil in the game, and that he would ultimately need to be defeated to restore order in Arcadia

I read that book. It was amazing and incredibly well-written and classy. I think that 15-year-olds would learn a ton by reading it. This woman is cray-cray.

....get me outta here........

I continue to be surprised at being surprised at things people like this say. “Value points”? Ugh. Ok, to the bar.

Here’s a maybe-weird, probably morbid reason that I want to have kids sooner rather than later: I want to spend more time with them. If I have kids when I’m 40, rather than 30, that’s a whole decade that I don’t get to enjoy my kids and maybe their kids. This is especially apparent when I look at my partner’s family,

She’s also caring for her sick mom and dad (who live in another state) and juggling an array of end-of-year parties, concerts and “graduations” for her preschoolers.

While I do think that it’s unjustifiable to hire/fire women if they are or become pregnant, it IS worthwhile to discuss the logistics of how to maintain a safe environment for expecting women. I worked in a home for emotionally disabled men, and there were people who would choke, hit, kick, and otherwise harm women

Ack! Same here. I found that people’s reactions to Serial were very polarized- it was either the best thing on the planet or it was terrible. For me... meh, I thought it was OK. Glad to hear I’m not alone.

CURSES! You beat me to it. I literally shook my fist in anger upon reading this. Well played. Well played...

Ah, is a good one for the list. I remember being very... confused about the content here.

This illustrator is amazing.

yes please.

Things I would tell my teenage self:

"...and they're smaller than horses..." GO TEAM HORSE LADY!

The principle held a news conference at the high school, saying the two girls were believed to have been friends.

She doesn't even know the second one is coming... SOMEBODY WARN HER!

Do you eat meat? As far as I understand, the majority of people 'stop a beating heart' with half their meals and don't give it a second thought. If one is totally okay with ending the life of fully-developed animals that have the ability to feel, I don't see how stopping the beating heart of a less-developed organism