Yeah, I thought it was pretty witless. I also don't really care for the whole premise... I guess it's just too objectifying to men. I don't think that the way to empower women/level the playing field is to do it in that way.
Yeah, I thought it was pretty witless. I also don't really care for the whole premise... I guess it's just too objectifying to men. I don't think that the way to empower women/level the playing field is to do it in that way.
Here's a thought: stop making me pay for your stupid 3D glasses!!!!!
The amount of disgust I have for this is unquantifiable.
Ewwwwww it looks like a limp spaghetti noodle.
I know what I'm watching tonight!
I've already told my partner that I would have to leave him for Tina Fey. Or get her to join our relationship.
Also, Mitt Romney:
I think they're going for sarcasm here.
Yeah, I totally understand that. Felt like I was in the same boat- everything seems off, and it's hard to enjoy the little things knowing that you may not get to do so in the future because of the bigger things.
This is not slut shaming. It's idiot shaming. I'm just saying that if you deliberately want to lower your IQ using hypnotherapy, you probably don't need it because that is pretty stupid in itself.
Having that discussion with the S.O. is the worst. I don't know how long you have been with your boyfriend, but I had a similar conversation with my partner after about a year of very serious dating. We hadn't talked about it, then we did, then we realized that we weren't on the same page. It was SOOO stressful to me…
I don't think she needs any hypnotherapy. I am pretty sure that her IQ is low enough already.
First off, way to generalize an entire state's worth of people.
A woman with a hairy body has essentially four vaginas—two armpits, the asshole, and the vagina itself.
Double recommend.
I could see that. I also felt kind of weird about the epilogue. It felt weird for them to have kids. Also, wtf with Malfoy? Are they all just, like, ALRIGHT with each other now? I feel almost as confused as when Woody didn't end up reuniting with Bo Peep somehow in Toy Story 3.
But it sounds like that's what she had originally wanted... Right? So it's not like she did it to please US, which would be far worse. Yeah, I'm alright with this. Besides, Dumbledore being gay totally keeps her in the +.
I couldn't watch this.
So weird... He's not just jumping at the TV, he only does it when the court is in view! That's amazing!