I'll... just leave this here.
I'll... just leave this here.
I've thought of this and tried it before. The problem is, I neither have a bajillion pairs of jeans/leggings/tank tops/other items I wear with most outfits. Therefore, if I were to do this, I would only end up with less than a week's worth of outfits at a time. There are too few of the things I wear with most outfits,…
In my twenties I got precancerous HPVand spent 6 months of my life wondering how I was going to tell my two children under the age of 7 that mummy might have cancer before it was safely removed.
Yeah, I was also thrown off by Hans being evil in the end. I thought for sure that Anna would end up falling for Kristoff, of course, but I thought that Hans would be able to talk Elsa down during the climactic scene in the ice castle, and that maybe he would end up being with her. He DID seem so nice in the town and…
Wait... it's not just on the screen...???
I like that Santa's outfit appears highlighter purple on the screen.
Is it just me, or does this look like a mouse-chinchilla hybrid?
This sounds like my partner, who wants to be SAH but try to start his own business by doing what he really loves to do. In fact, if you are able to purchase property and grow a lot of your own food, it is extremely low-cost and quite enjoyable.
...and then Christmas died.
Yikes. Vitamin water is gross, too. I prefer diet water, thank you very much.
I prefer the old covers, especially the cartoons. They don't seem as "cheesy sex novel"-like to me.
Laura, I'm sorry, this is a great story, but there are two- TWO- grammatical errors in your post. And it's drivin' me nuts!
The power of Christ compels them! ...to vote Republican.
That one is way creepier.
Yuck, still no on the Miley.