Super Mai-rio

Yeah, watched a friend play this back at PAX Prime in August...seems all the issues she and I had with it made it all the way to post, huh?

I really appreciate the transparent reporting you’ve been doing here, Patricia! Especially in a story like this, where the media is directly involved as part of the “scandal,” it’s nice to have a place to go for clear, unbiased news. Keep it up! :)

This is so cute! <3

Pokémon. Makes me feel like things could be okay <3

Took one look at the headline and, out loud to my room of none, said, “uh, no. Thank you, though.”

You know, I only pressed play on that first video (and made it about 2 minutes in), and I was just increasingly unsettled. The cheery music and too-bright colors following Spidey-skinned Michael as he...ran around...long cars... Something sinister is going on there.

I totally understand why everyone hates Jumin, but I love him.

Really nice boots. Spent $200 on them two years ago, and they’re still completely together, mostly unscuffed, and comfortable as all hell. Bonus: BOTH zippers still function as they should.

Is Jumin a fucked up mess? Yes, yes he is.

I wonder how her mobility will work. Something similar to Pharah seems too noisy and showy for a sniper. I’m excited!!