
the only spaceknight i will accept is ROM

And also why impossible tasks are described as Sisyphean

re #7 That would be Sisyphus, not Tantalus. Tantalus’ punishment is to be eternally hungry and thirsty. He’s stuck in a pool of water that, when he tries to drink from it, drains below his reach. Above him is a fruit tree that moves out of reach whenever he tries to eat from it. Thus, the term “tantalizing.”

Exactly. With ROM, the misunderstanding always had a reason. And ROM’s MO was always, “Banish wraiths first, explain later... or never.” As far as bystanders were concerned, he was zapping innocent people into dust left and right.

Wear whatever you want imo.

Eversion did it...


The answer:

And says "Hey breaux, Geaux Saints!

Chimpanzees do not share our ability to construct and understand abstract constructs like law and human rights. As such they cannot become functioning members of our society. And we did not evolve from chimpanzees, we share a common ancestor.

Crowd Rules By Sport


Does it really matter if it's a butt or a belly? When it comes to RGIII, no one is really expecting accuracy.

"I can work with any spread."

You forgot the best equivalence, how many bananas it would equal!

Pictured: Yet another Cam Newton turn over.