
Those huge guts aren’t going to rip and tear themselves, you know.

I’m getting serious Dunwich Horror vibes from this.

I was all for Hong Kong freedom until I read this abomination.

Isn’t it great that the Russians are actively trying to field this now?  Just think of all of the benefits.

It’s really, really easy to get an electric motor to spin in the opposite direction if you want it to. 

Brandy?  She looks like a Karen to me.

Well, there’s another guy who is famous for using a chainsaw (among other things) but he’s probably too brutal for MK.

Louisiana has a homestead exemption that means that the first 75,000 dollars of property value of your primary residence is tax-exempt.

I eagerly await the full text of this bill.

Oh yeah?  Well, YOU'RE a geomagnetic jerk!

I’m definitely in that same boat.   The Goonies is good.

Want to pet that cat.

Eat the anyone that has anything nicer that what I have.

If the world ended 5 seconds after this got funded, it would be justice.

Well, no.  There’s a person sitting in a trailer operating those things.

I love it when I wake up in the morning and it’s all like, “Hey, free bullets!”

This is the superbowl the world deserves.

I still remember the title music from the first madden game.

Courts Martial typically entail imprisonment.  They are in every way a federal conviction.

So you want people thrown in jail for using that comic book symbol?