
So yeah, you’re totally cool with a guy doing hard time for pulling out a phone in a church.

Yes, authority is its own justification. Everyone should do 5 years in the pokey for not conforming!

School House Rock covered the process by which Just a Bill becomes a law instead of being stuck on Capitol Hill. I don’t think they did one on how a treaty becomes ratified.

Wait, ratified? Did the Senate vote on this?

After which the cargo module experienced involuntary detachment and shortly thereafter underwent lithobraking.

I want non-serviceable parts, batteries that cannot be replaced, a sim card that can’t be changed, and an OS that is protected by draconic DRM and DMCA enforcement. Got it.

I would more seriously consider buying the company than buying that particular product.

No gods or kings, only mammals.

Having done professional art, I wouldn’t spend 2,500 dollars for a case that takes up too much space to hold an additional 500 dollars worth of art supplies.

In that case, I’d expect to see

I refuse to call liquid rocks wildlife unless they’re inscribing ‘no kill i’ on a cave wall.

I mean, the volcano is cool and all, but that’s not wildlife.

But what are you supposed to do with it then? Do you press it against your anatomy?

I’m the box labelled “Cyka Strike: Global Blyat”.

Step One:

Some people may want to be Bugs, but I more strongly identify with the Egyptian god of frustration.

This is my face when one of these posts goes up.

I can’t give you -1 star, so I’ll just stare at you with disappoval.

[Ripping and Tearing Intensifies]

[Ripping and Tearing Intensifies]

No, Morgan Freeman is a theoretical physicist who has successfully waged war against alien invaders. Get your facts straight.