
I am so looking forward to the outcome of this election.


It looks good, but that doesn’t look like a schoolGIRL, so much.

I got Amnesia: The Dark Descent for free a short while ago on steam. 1 game (and a good one at that) for $0.00 beats any number of games at any price greater than $0.00, mathematically speaking.

Holy crap, that is an AMAZING photo. That should appear on some “best of” lists around the end of December.


That dog is about to attack. Direct eye contact and bared teeth? That poor dinosaur had better back off in a hurry.

Since being more European is obviously a good thing, we should just name it what every european language calls it. So hence forth @ shall be called monkey’stailmonkeysnailwormdogducklingetc. etc.

I am so in love with that one way sign.

Oh god, it’s the squirrel girl artist! RUUNNNNNN

You say that, but you never know when a pirate raid is going to jump in at your zenith point and you won’t have time to send an HPG message asking for reinforcements and then BAM you’re in over your head with pirate battlemechs.

Soma: The Internet Learns About Existential Horror.

Don’t you mean “Doink! Doink!”?


The Saints and Cowboys game is rated TOO DAMN HIGH!

Go home and be a family man.

-A sanctimonious and self righteous denizen of Portlandia.

$500 per month for 6 years? Holy hell, he saw you coming a mile away. My condolences.

Why would you think I’m a liar? I speak only the truth.

I.. don’t care?