M'aiq the liar

this is exactly what i say in the video that didn’t finish being uploaded until after you made your comment. so i think we’re on to something!

Coming Out on Top was released about two years ago, invalidating its inclusion on the “Top Steam releases of July 2019" list

Yeah, you sure showed them, pointing to one and only one game!

Real talk though, Custom Order Maid 3D 2 is pretty freaking great. The ability to play the entire game in VR is nice.

Research was counter productive to the point he was making.

I love the undertone of moral panic in this post. Am I supposed to be outraged about adults spending money on dumb cartoon sex games?

Evil? How old are you, 12?

How is bring a game to the Epic Store under any condition “screwing over the fans” exactly?

Goddamn, you’re wrecking the narrative man!

Is it really a moral high ground when there is nothing moral about the stance? Like it’s not the 1950's, I think most people realize porn is a normal thing and that sex sells and have become comfortable in that reality.

So you just row in a circle, until you go mad. Simple.

I think the idea is you aim the air nozzle carefully and use its jet propulsive properties. 

I suppose you could use it for the most embarrassing Viking funeral ever.....

I hear the patent owner Al E. Gator couldn’t be reached for comment, but could be seen in an oversized fedora, trench coat, and what looked like green boots. 

Hey, just wanted to let you know that Bungie split from Halo back in 2010 with Halo Reach, not 2007.

I’ve been saying that fucking shit for years. Their big weakness is that Double Dragon and Super Mario Bros failed because they were based on video game properties. But if you watch both with the idea of “treat them as standalone movies,” you end up with a pair of “fun weird sci-fantasy movies” that really push the

Ah, but if Eevees are dogs, then that means they are, in fact, good boys. Thus, Eevees > Pikachus

Gonna pretend I didn’t see “Volteon.”

It’s a shame that Scyther, the one true Pokémon, is forced into the lesser of the two game versions. 

Scyther version.